Top 5 Jade Massage Wands

I want to introduce which texture of massage wand i use to you, through massage wand relieving my dull and yellow facial skin. And i will share other textures of massage wand with you. If you’re interested in massage wands, please read the following contents.


NO.1  Rose quartz massage wand.

top jade massage wand

Rose quartz is the loved stone, is said to bring love and good relationship to the user. It originates from Brazil and Madagascar. Rose quartz massage wand can strengthen the health of heart and lung, relieve tense and anxious mood. If you have some related problem, you can consider rose quartz massage wand. Rose quartz is pink, very preferred by girls and women. So it’s also the good gift to send friends or families.

NO.2 Green aventurine massage wand

top jade massage wand

Green aventurine is called ‘India jade’, an oily green quartzite with chrome mica. Green aventurine massage wand can help treat the problems of heart and lung and increase the flexibility of muscles, and relieve working pressure and eye disease. Using green aventurine massage wand for a long time, you can stay relaxing mood and be full of much energy. Green aventurine stone is the most healthy and happiest jade. So if you suffer from much working pressure, you can use green aventurine massage wand improving your current conditions.

NO.3 Amethyst massage wand

top jade massage wand

Amethyst is the most valuable crystal in all crystals, including Mn, Fe elements. And it’s called ‘king of jade’. In addition to elegance, amethyst can bless people with good fortune, peace, health, and can ward off infectious disease that inhibit bad thoughts. So any bad ideas that trouble you, you can use amethyst massage wand to ward it off.

NO.4 Red jasper massage wand

top jade massage wand

Red jasper is a sacred and powerful stone of protection in the physical and spiritual realm. Red jasper massage wand can help protect people against physical threats and provide assistance when you’re dangerous. Putting red jasper in the car can prevent accidents and theft. Putting red jasper in an office can absorb electromagnetic, environmental pollution and radiation. Using red jasper massage wand in the office can prevent you against mental trouble. It also strengthen heart function and promote blood circulation, treat anaemia and heart disease.

NO.5 Xiuyan jade massage wand

top jade massage wand

Xiuyu jade is reputed as the gentle jade, often compared to jadeite. Xiuyu jade is the most cost-effective and approachable jade in all crystals. Xiuyu jade includes many trace elements, supplementing the body with nutrients. Also using xiuyu jade massage wand can supply your lacking of trace elements. After contact with the human body, a large amount of far-infrared light can penetrate the human body. In this way xiuyu jade massage wand can help accelerate vasodilation, increase blood flow velocity, improve the body’s microcirculation, thus eliminating body waste, lowering blood pressure and lipids, reducing inflammation and swelling, relieving pain and illness, and also nourishing the heart and lung.

According to your condition, and then choosing the best massage wand to yourself.

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