Jade Rollers and Gua Sha Tools for Facial Massage

You may have noticed the revival of jade rollers, gua sha tools and other facial massage rollers over the past few years. Although they suddenly reappeared, this practice of facial massage can actually be traced back to ancient China’s practice of rolling with jade.

But why should you resurrect, jade rollers and gua sha scrapers really work? Simply put: it depends on what you want them to do. More recently, the beauty focus has increasingly shifted to the concept of self-care, where facial massage can immediately boost mood and relax. It calms you down, especially if you put your tools in the fridge to cool down immediately.

You can expect skincare benefits, too. Katie Brindle, Chinese Medicine practitioner and founder of the Hayo’u Method believes facial massage is the single most effective technique for transforming your skin.

Katie explains: “Sand-scraping stimulates dermal skin to support collagen and elastin production. It also releases tension and relaxes your facial muscles. Studies have shown that it multiplies blood circulation, helps lymphatic circulation, relieves congestion, and relieves soreness in the eyes and skin. It brightens your complexion and gives you a radiant glow. ”

She explains that gua sha scraping sand works deeper than jade rollers. “This is a more effective way to promote microcirculation. The bending points you will find on the scraping are used to activate specific points. ”

According to Katie, “Traditionally, after shaving, people use jade rollers to soothe their skin after surgery.” ”

Don’t forget, you can put your jade rolls and barathing in the fridge. Cool ceramic tools taken straight out of the fridge, combined with mild stress, will help calm inflammation and irritation. This is particularly good for the swelling of the delicate part of the eye!

Katie was quick to highlight the fact that it was a holistic treatment, “no wrong approach.” Her favorite time to practice sand-scraping is when she takes a bath in the morning. She said: “The best time to scrape sand with rose quartz is in the morning, as it enhances the natural energy patterns in broad daylight. ”

Katie’s top recommendation is that if you have hay fever, sinusitis or hot flushes, sand ingress is a good choice. “Press jade on red eyes or skin. Put it in the fridge – because our tools are too thick to really keep cool. ”

And one of the great things is that gua sha scraping can be used all over the body. Katie suggests that when using tools, you should use “their special beauty oils” while using them. It stays on the skin longer to prevent the tool from being dragged. Or, use rice bran oil or something like that. Alternatively, you can practice with tap water in the shower. Practice shaving after cleansing, before any evening cream or moisturizer.



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