Jade Roller VS Gua Sha

jade roller vs gua sha

Personally i think jade roller and gua sha belong to two different functional beauty tools. They can’t be compared and also shouldn’t be compared each other. Can only say they have their own advantages, as well as lies in the consumer more inclined to which one. So i won’t be comparing jade roller and gua sha. I will introduce the benefits they can bring to customers.

Benefits of face rolling

Easy to use. Jade roller doesn’t take many instructions or practices, and use at any time, convenient to take. Because the convenience of jade roller, it is the must-have item of beauty lovers.

Speed up absorption. When every time you take care of your skin, you definitely need to use lotions or creams, and at the same time you want skin to absorb quickly, it is necessary to use together with jade roller. With the massage of jade roller, the lotion or cream is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Lymphatic circulation. Awakens softer and more luxurious skin! Face rolling promotes blood circulation to the eyes, face and neck to reduce puffiness and wrinkle. Jade rolling is used with creams to help absorb better. Use the jade facial rollers as part of your daily beauty routine to relieve stress.

jade roller vs gua sha

Gua sha benefits

Improve total circulation. Gua sha can improve lymph circulation, and the quality of blood circulation and energy circulation.

Product penetration. Gua sha can be performed with your moisturizing routine, you need at least a hydrating mist and facial oil. And gua sha is also a very effective way to help products penetrate more deeply.

Release and relax tension. Done correctly, gua sha is a very effective tool for relaxing tension in the face and neck. Not only does it feel amazing, it softens tension from ‘poor face posture’ brought on by active facial muscles constantly forming a ‘worried or strained’ face. We use Gua Sha to bring back a ‘relaxed’ face, which in turn looks refreshed and more youthful, this is not unlike the intent of Botox.

Sculpt,contour, and shape. Facial Gua Sha uses a stroke that creates pressure and stretch at the same time, which makes it more effective than the jade roller for sculpting facial features like cheekbone and jawline. Gua Sha tools that are designed with shapes that fit around facial curves amplify this benefit even more.

Fine lines, wrinkle, and texture. Theoretically, a jade roller can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but a Gua Sha tool designed with multiple shapes and edges can be used in so many more ways, and as a result, will be more effective. For instance, you can use a comb edge, or turn the tool on its narrow edge, and work with a quick and light stroke to smooth texture or lines. There are more options available when using a Gua Sha tool.

jade roller vs gua sha

Those are benefits of face rolling and gua sha benefits, not comprehensive. If you know more about their benefits, you can leave messages on me.

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