Introduction to Unakite Ornament

Unakite also is known as epidote granite, is an opaque, granite-like rock characterized by a mottled appearance composed of green epidote, white to gray quartz, and pink feldspar. It was originally collected from Unaka Ridge in North Carolina, USA. The minerals of different colors in unakite are distributed in spots. It is often used to grind plain-shaped small ornaments and necklace beads and is also used for carving. In addition to the United States, it is also found in Galway Bay in Ireland, Zimbabwe, Keimos in the North Cape of South Africa, and Tanzania. Observed by naked eyes and magnification, the unakite has a giant-fine-grained porphyritic structure with a fragmented structure, which is mainly composed of three different colored minerals. Combined with conventional gemological tests, the refractive indices of the three minerals are consistent with feldspar, quartz, and epidote. Using infrared spectroscopy to test, the reflectance spectra of three different color minerals were obtained, and the comparisons with potassium feldspar, quartz, and epidote were consistent. X-ray powder diffraction analysis of the sample confirmed the mineral composition of the sample. In summary, this kind of jade is unakite.

The effect and function

Unakite is a kind of mixed stone with multiple minerals, which has the effect of “treatment”. Therefore, it has a very relaxing effect and is said to stabilize the mood of the owner. For example, when you feel very nervous and anxious before an interview or test, you can use unakite to help eliminate your negative emotions. Unakite is also a kind of energy stone, very suitable to treat those who have trouble, fatigue, and stress in daily life.

Unakite is also a stone with high healing power. When used as a pendant or brooch as an item that can be placed near the heart, it can help improve mood, heal old wounds and heart wounds and balance emotions. Besides, when worn as various accessories, it has the effect of making hair and skin shiny. Unakite can also play a role in encouraging you to cheer up, help you open your heart, and be able to interact with others honestly and friendly. Unakite will help you restore faith in people, open your mind. Besides, the unakite is said to be a powerful stone that can bring you love and trust.

It is said that the soft shades of unakite can reduce negative emotions, such as human trauma, excessive hostility, jealousy, and anger. It can effectively help the wearer get rid of fatigue caused by physical and mental fatigue, harsh environments, interpersonal relationships, and various social pressures.

Unakite is a power stone with the meaning and function of observing the future, and calcium carbide is used when you want to realize your dream. Unakite is a driving force that has the meaning and effect of overcoming difficulties. It is said that wearing unakite, you can cross the wall in front of the target. It can be said that unakite is a powerful guardian stone. when you want to get out of the wilderness, you can also use it.

Unakite has an excellent effect on sleep, and it can be expected to remove stress and anxiety that seems to be asleep disorder.

Today, we will introduce the Unakite ornament.

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