Introduction to Agate Pendant

Agate is also called as code onyx, onyx, horse brain, etc. It is a kind of chalcedony minerals. Agate is often a banded block mixed with opal and cryptocrystalline quartz. The hardness is 6.5-7 degrees, the specific gravity is 2.65. Agate is translucent or opaque, and the original shape is a trigonal crystal system, which is often dense and massive to form various structures, such as breast-shaped, grape-shaped, tuberculosis, and the common concentric structure. According to patterns and impurities, it can be divided into onyx, sardonyx, moss agate, castle agate, etc. Agate can also be often used as ornaments or play objects and so on.

Agate is more produced in China, India, Brazil, Madagascar, the United States, Egypt, Australia, Mexico, and other countries. In addition, Mexico, the United States, and Namibia also produce Agate with lace-like stripes called “lace agate”, and “Scenic agate” is also produced in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, and Montana in the United States. China’s agate production areas are also widely distributed, almost in all provinces, such as Heilongjiang Xunke, Liaoning province, Hebei province, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Ningxia Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia, etc.

Efficacy and Use

Agate is one of the Seven Treasures of Buddhism. Since ancient times, it has been used as an anti-evil object and amulet, symbolizing friendly love and hope. In Western magic, people write their wishes on a piece of paper, fold it and wrap it, and put it in the agate cornucopia after meditation, at least one day and one night, so that the energy is agitated and strengthened. After taking it out, putting it in the agate cornucopia, and burning with the help of the power of fire, you can transfer your wishes into the natural world, and you can do what you want. Wearing Agate in summer, you are not only fashionable and beautiful but also can cool down and prevent heatstroke. Agate is used as a gemstone or craft product for its rich colors and beauty. Agate can also be used to make precision instrument bearings, agate mortars, agate mortars, and other industrial products.



Be careful not to hit hard objects or drop them, and store them in a soft jewelry box when not in use. Try to avoid contact with perfume, chemical liquid, soap, or human sweat to prevent corrosion and affect the vividness of agate.


Be careful to avoid heat sources, such as sunlight, stoves, etc., because agate will expand when heated, and the molecular gap will increase and affect the quality of jade. Continuous exposure to high temperatures will also cause the agate to burst.


Agate is usually placed away from the sun as much as possible, and it is often wiped to keep it clean. If possible, agate should be occasionally soaked in pure water to replenish moisture. Keeping humid makes agate significantly beautiful. When not wearing agate ornament, it is best to store it in a dark and humid place. The storage environment close to the original ecology of agate is the best. Especially the shuidan agate has natural water in the formation period. If the current surrounding environment is very dry, the shuidan agate will cause the evaporating of the natural water inside, thus losing the artistic and economic value of its collection.

Today, we will introduce the Agate pendant.

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